Strength Training vs Bodybuilding: What are the Differences ?

Strength training Vs Bodybuilding is pivotal aspects when you have decided about physical training. Many people agree with this as bodybuilding and strength training are highly intense but varied forms of physical workout.

You will begin people showing various types of options and workout routines as we move forward to each of these training. It generates immense confusion for the novices. I have found out a great solution that will provide you with great ideas regarding strength training and bodybuilding.

In this article, I will focus on the information regarding bodybuilding and also strength training.. I will cover some important concepts, diet, workout routine and how to opt between two types of physical training.

Bodybuilding is more focused on deadlifting than building on complete performance. So, the main objective of bodybuilding is to focus on the development of your muscles rather than the development of the functional strength of your body.

In other words, one can say that it is more visual. Strength training is all about generating the force for lifting heavy objects. The size and shape of these muscles are not considered. The main objective is to train your central nervous system and use it efficiently for heavy weightlifting.

The main thing is to make your joints, bones and muscles strengthened.

Strength Training

The main aspect around which strength training revolves is about working on the muscles that produce a great amount of force for lifting and moving objects. The focus here is on building strength. Strength training is done with low reps and high weight. This will enhance your central nervous system. The main objective is to train your body in a way that makes use of your motor skills while lifting and moving heavy objects.

if you work on a repeated basis to develop your motor skills will assist you in unleashing the power in your body in a short duration of time. Each repetition of 1 to 5 and doing 7 to 10 sets is the best way to perform. You can always make adjustments in your intensity based on your capacity to work.

You will feel soon that your muscles are getting more powerful than before and your bones getting much hard. You will develop stronger connective tissues. Heavy weightlifting focuses on myofibrillar hypertrophy to improve functional strength. This assists in creating thick and powerful muscles.


The main purpose of bodybuilding is to develop a nice physique. The objective is to develop a great physique. The goal is to make a visual appeal by adding muscles in bulk and making the body chiselled.

Bodybuilding is all about adding great matches to your body instead of giving focus to the functional strength of the body. Heavy lifting is similar to a pump when it is about building the bulk of muscles. It helps in creating oxygen flow to your muscles. This assists in developing the size.

When you keep doing the workout, your muscles will enhance and there will be a rise in their capacity of storage for more energy. All bodybuilding workouts are made in such a way that heavy lifting produces micro-tears in your muscles.

This forces the body to do the repairs for the damage done and helps in expanding the energy storing capacity of the muscles. Hypertrophy is the process of adding more muscles.
Selection of exercise is pivotal for boosting strength and improving your performance. This is due to the fact that maximum strength relies on the exercise in which you want to get more powerful.

When you focus more on a particular type of exercise, you will feel a great change in yourself.

Let me take the example of leg press vs back squat. Leg press needs you to work on some muscle groups but each exercise will not assist in strengthening your body for the other. As far as hypertrophy is concerned, exercise selection is not pivotal. You have to know that the objective is to apply some stress to the muscles. Your main goal should be to choose the muscles to grow.


The impact of volume on strength training is complex. If you work on some specific exercise in a high volume of high-intensity training routine will assist you to be good at it.

Most interesting part...

It might not give any value in case it is strength training. The reps and sets have an inverse relationship in strength training. The exercise routine is designed to increase your neural capacity.

The impact of high volume is linked with hypertrophy. This is due to the fact that higher volume gives hypertrophy adaptations. Expert trainers recommend doing each exercise more than five reps in each set leads you to more towards bodybuilding as compared to strength training.

Final Words

What you wish to get into will explain which training you need to pursue. I like strength training as I prefer a functional body in comparison to a sharply chiselled physique. Both pieces of training have their own advantages. This needs a great deal of time and effort to see a good amount of progress.