Testosterone Enanthate 300


Testosterone Enanthate is a single large ester base testosterone compound. This is a pure synthetic testosterone hormone that has a carboxylic acid ester attached in Enanthate (enanthoic acid).

SKU: INJ03_E300 Category:

The main androgen is responsible for a broad array of physiological functions in the human body and that includes the development of male features at the time of puberty, muscle tissue development, bone density and development of the prostate. In a male who is normally healthy, the body produces testosterone enanthate that aids in carrying out these important functions. It is not ample to produce the thick slabs of muscle that we always wish for.

That is where the role of synthetic testosterone enanthate comes. The synthetic test enhances your testosterone so supraphysiological levels allowing more of it to be utilized for developing leam muscle tissue. In case of any performance enhancement setting, it is used with the basic steroid around which other compounds are added to a stack and this depends on a person’s objectives. There must be no steroid stack without exogenous testosterone enanthate. Regardless of the fact that you a fitness freak taking into consideration the use of anabolic steroids or someone who utilized SARMS but wants to make use of real gear, this FAQ will tell you about the fundamentals of Testosterone enanthate and also show you how to utilize it in a safe manner.

Various forms of Testosterone

The ones who are beginners get confused at various names that are attached to the Testosterone Enanthate 300 such as Testosterone Propionate and Test Cypionate. All of these have similar testosterone hormone. It is due to the fact that they possess various ester associated with it to control the release time.

The testosterone hormone that has no ester-linked to it will have a half short life. It can be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream after you administer it and it would be thrown out of the system in a few hours. When you add the ester, the half-life is extended and the release is controlled. There are three testosterone esters that may be utilized in the enhancement of performance.

Testosterone Propionate

It is known as Test Prop in short. It is an ester that has a quick release time. The benefit is that the anabolic or therapeutic effects can be felt much quicker, in just seven days. It has to be injected after every two days fo0rm the maintenance of stable testosterone levels in the system.

Testosterone Cypionate

It is also known as Test Cyp. It is the most common Testosterone ester of TRT in America. It has a performance enhancement setting. It is a medium-acting ester that rises and stabilizes for more than an 8 to 10-day time span.

Test Enanthate

This Testosterone ester is long-acting and has an active half-life of fourteen days. You need to choose this ester for TRT use. Both Cypionate and enanthate can be interchanged when using in a performance enhancement setting.

Regardless of the type of ester you opt for, there will be no variations in the physical effects or results that you can accomplish with Testosterone enanthate.

Effects of Testosterone

Testosterone enanthate enhances both strength and lean muscle tissue through various biological mechanisms. It enhances the retention of nitrogen which enables the cells to hold an excess of nitrogen. This helps in enhancing growth and recovery. It also enhances the synthesis of glycogen which enhances the supply of essential fuel for muscles at the time of the workouts. So, it enhances your muscle strength and endurance.

It binds to androgen receptors and this initiates some positive effects which include lipolysis and growth of lean muscle tissue. It helps in stimulating the production of more receptor cells in your muscles. This makes them prepared ready for growth.

What is the correct Testosterone Dosage?

The correct dosage of testosterone enanthate for you relies on your experience with the hormone and your individual objectives from the cycle. A dosage of 200 to 300 mg per week is prescribed for TRT. The advised dose for Testosterone enanthate for novices is 500 mg per week. This will place your testosterone enanthate to supraphysiological levels. In case it is your first cycle, you will have a great transformation!

The highly experienced users will lessen or increase the Testosterone enanthate dose that depends on the other compounds that they stack it with. There are some users who would want to take a low Testosterone dose while increasing the dose of 19-Nor compounds as the aromatization risk is less with it. Others can have a steady dose of testosterone for all their cycles.

So that brings us to the most pivotal point.

Is it essential to utilize Testosterone in all Steroid Cycles?

If an exogenous androgenic hormone is introduced into your body, it will give a signal to your endocrine system to stop testosterone enanthate production. This leads to what is known as a shutdown. Your body can not produce testosterone enanthate even for important functions. All exogenous hormones are an apt replacement for Testosterone enanthate. Anavar is not considered a good replacement for testosterone enanthate. When the starting effects of these hormones begin to go away, you will start feeling the negative side effects of a shutdown. You may also have a lower testosterone level.

Your energy will dissipate, and you will feel lazy and depressed. Your cortisol levels will rise, and this may negate all the gains that you make during the cycle. It is good to use Testosterone enanthate in every steroid cycle. This makes sure that your body continues to get ample testosterone enanthate to enhance your libido and give you elevation in your mood. Your energy levels and strength will elevate. Having a minimum test level will enable you to retain the gains that you make during the cycle.


What Side Effects Are Caused by Testosterone?

Testosterone enanthate can lead to estrogenic and androgenic side effects. Androgenic side effects are acne, oily skin, hair loss, baldness, deepening of voice, hair growth and virilization in females. Some estrogenic side effects are retention of water, high blood pressure and gynecomastia. The estrogenic side effects can be prevented by making use of an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle. There are some people who do not use an AI. They may use a SERM.

Testosterone enanthate has the ability to skew your cholesterol numbers. It is not that severe on your cholesterol as some other anabolic steroids. It may cause testicular atrophy because your endogenous testosterone enanthate production ability shuts down. A full PCT will be required to restore the natural hormonal production of your body.



Testosterone enanthate is administered via an injection or topically as an ointment, gel or patch or implantation of long-acting pellets. Testosterone enanthate is given as an injection via an intramuscular route or via a subcutaneous route. It has a long half-life of 7 to 9 days. It can be in the body at therapeutic levels for at least three to four weeks after it is administered.

Circulation of testosterone in the Bloodstream

Testosterone enanthate gets circulated in the bloodstream after it is administered. It does this by binding to plasma proteins. The most vital plasma protein that test enanthate binds to is the sex hormone-binding globulin or SHBG of the different plasma proteins in the body. Testosterone has a great deal of affinity for SHBG.

Some other plasma proteins that testosterone enanthate binds to in lesser amounts are corticosteroid, albumin and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein. Testosterone enanthate gets transported around the entire body till it gets to the cells in the targeted tissues. Testosterone enanthate can be transferred across the cell membranes into the cytoplasm at the target tissues and then it is converted into DHT.

Metabolism of Testosterone

The metabolism and inactivation of testosterone enanthate take place in the liver and it has both phases I and phases II hepatic metabolism that is thrown out of the body. Testosterone enanthate is readily metabolized in the gut, muscles, kidneys and adipose tissue.

Testosterone enanthate gets oxidized in the liver with the help of cytochrome P-450 3A family of hepatic oxidases during the metabolism of phase I hepatic metabolism. After getting oxidated by cytochrome P-450 A, testosterone is mixed with glucuronic acids that are provided by the enzyme uridine diphospho glucuronosyltransferase or UGT. More than 90 per cent of exogenously administered testosterone gets thrown out of the body in the urine after it gets mixed with glucuronic acid. The remaining 10 per cent of testosterone that is not thrown out through the kidneys leaves the body in the stool. The testosterone enanthate gets excreted in the stool and is unconjugated for that which is linked to glucuronic acid.

Testosterone enanthate may be exogenously administered by injection like a gel, patch or ointment or by implantation of long-acting pellets. Testosterone enanthate gets administered as an injection via the intramuscular route or subcutaneously. It has a long half-life of 7 to 9 days and can be in the body at therapeutic levels for at least three to four weeks after you administer it. After the testosterone enanthate is administered, it circulates in the bloodstream and it does by binding to plasma proteins.

One of the most vital plasma proteins that testosterone enanthate binds to sex hormone-binding globulin or SHBG of the different plasma proteins that testosterone enanthate binds to meagre amounts is albumin, alpha-1 acid glycoprotein, and corticosteroid-binding globulin. After it binds to the plasma protein, testosterone moves all over the body till it reaches the cells in the targeted tissues. Testosterone gets transferred across the cell membranes into the cytoplasm at the target tissues. It then gets changed to DHT.

The inactivation and metabolism of testosterone main take place in the liver. It undergoes phases I and phases II hepatic metabolism that is ready to be thrown out of the body. Testosterone can be metabolized in muscles, gut, kidneys and adipose tissue. Testosterone is readily oxidized in the liver by cytochrome P-450 3A family of hepatic oxidases at the time of phase I hepatic metabolism. After it is oxidised by cytochrome P-450A, testosterone gets conjugated with glucuronic acid and that makes it water-soluble. In this way, the kidneys can excrete it easily.

The process by which oxidized testosterone gets conjugated with glucuronic acid is made possible by the enzyme uridine diphospho glucuronosyltransferase. More than 90 per cent of exogenous testosterone administered exogenously, get thrown out of the body in the urine after it blends with glucuronic acid. The remainder of the 10 per cent testosterone that does not get excreted goes out of the body in the stool. The testosterone gets removed from the stool and is unconjugated for that which has bound glucuronic acid.


There are several medical conditions that show the requirement of exogenous testosterone administration. Some of the medical conditions are:

Male hypogonadism: This may take place at the time of birth or later in the life span of males. There are lower testosterone levels because of testicles failure for many reasons like orchitis, testicular torsion or ageing.

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: This condition is due to the results from the failure of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal pathway. As there is some deficiency in the production of LH or GnRH, there is lessening in the blood levels of testosterone. So, there is the requirement for injectable supplementation of testosterone.

Delay in puberty: There are some cases where testosterone injections may be utilized in boys who experience a delay in puberty. Before you use it for this purpose, a complete assessment needs to be done to rule out the possibility of the presence of other disease conditions that may result due to delay in puberty.

Female metastatic cancer: The women who are postmenopausal and have advanced breast cancer, testosterone injections may be utilized as a supplemental therapy.


There are many instances in which testosterone injections must not be administered or administered with additional caution. People who are hypersensitive to any components need not get testosterone enanthate injections. Testosterone is contraindicated in men who have any kind of cancer to the prostate or breast. People who have hypersensitivity to any of the components must not get testosterone enanthate injections.

Women who are pregnant must not receive injections of testosterone as this may lead to masculinization of the fetus. A great deal of caution has to be exercised when testosterone is administered to persons who have impaired liver or kidney functions.

Breast-feeding or Pregnancy

Testosterone is classified as a category X drug by FDA in America. This implies that research has exhibited vital fetal abnormalities when it is utilized in pregnant women. Injections of testosterone are contraindicated in pregnancy. The risk is far more than the benefits that can be gained from its administration. Testosterone injections are contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding infants. Various studies indicated that it is seen in breast milk to some degree.


You need to store this medication at 68 degrees Fahrenheit and away from heat, light and moisture. You must keep all the medicine out of children’s reach. Do not dispose of or flush medications in a drain or a sink.

How to use Testosterone Enanthate Vial

This medication is injected into the buttock muscle as directed by your physician every one to four weeks. You must not inject this medication into a vein. Dosage is on the basis of your medical condition, treatment response and testosterone blood levels. In case you are giving this medication to yourself at home, learn all preparation and usage instructions from your doctor. Prior to using it, you need to check this product visually or discolouration with your doctor. Do not use the liquid. You can learn how to store and discard medical supplies in a safe way.

You need to use this medication to get the most out of it. You may use a calendar for keeping a check on the days that you will get testosterone injection. If you abuse testosterone, it may lead to serious side effects like heart disease including stroke, liver disease, mental or mood issues, or improper growth of bones particularly in adolescents. There is no need to enhance your dose or use this drug more often than prescribed. When there is an abuse of testosterone, you can have withdrawal symptoms like depression, tiredness and irritability when you stop using this drug all of a sudden. These symptoms may persist from weeks to months.


The drug interactions may alter how your medications function or enhance your risk for serious side effects. It is advised that you keep a product list of all the drugs like prescription drug and also non-prescription drugs and share it with your physician. Do not stop or alter the dosage of any medicines without the approval of your doctor.

There are some products that have interaction with this drug including blood thinners. This medication can interfere with some specific laboratory tests which include thyroid tests causing incorrect test results. Ensure that your healthcare professional and lab staff know about how to use this drug.


In case someone has overdosed or dose-dependent on this drug and has serious symptoms like breathing problems or passing out, you may call the emergency number. Canadian residents may call a provincial poison control centre.

Note: Do not share this medication with others. Lab and medical tests for example red blood cell count, liver function tests, blood cholesterol levels, PSA test need to be performed on a periodic basis for monitoring your progress or for checking the side effects. You need to contact your doctor for more information.

Missed Dose

To get the finest benefits, it is pivotal to get each scheduled dose of this medication as directed. In case you miss a dose, you must contact your physician immediately to get a new dosing schedule.

Adverse reactions

There are serious side effects linked with the long term use or overuse of testosterone enanthate. Some effects are related to the androgenic drug effects. Others may impact the liver and heart by increasing the enzyme levels and cholesterol.

You must call a doctor in case you develop the following:

  • Male-pattern hair loss
  • Voice deepening in cisgender women
  • Gynecomastia or Male breast enlargement
  • Amenorrhea or irregularities in the menstrual cycle
  • The problem in urinating or frequent urination at night in those who have a penis
  • Enlargement of clitoris
  • Extended painful penile erections or priapism
  • Serious symptoms like paranoia, psychosis or severe depression

Some of the androgenic effects visible in assigned female at birth like enlarging of the clitoris and deepening of the voice are irreversible when they develop. A low sperm or low testosterone or oligospermia can lead to impairment of fertility in cisgender men.

If testosterone is used in excess it can enhance the risk of a heart attack or stroke, DVT or deep vein thrombosis or congestive heart failure. There can be a severe injury to the liver and symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dark urine and eyes getting yellow and jaundice.


You may call the emergency care in case you have signs of a cardiovascular event or breathing difficulty, fast breathing, profuse sweating, speaking issues, severe headaches, weakness on the side of the body or severe shooting pain in the jaw, chest or left arm.


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