Sustanon 300


Sustanon 300 is a highly popular version of Testosterone for TRT. Several uses choose Sustanon 300 for Test Ace or Test Cyp or Prop or the single ester Testosterone.

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Sustanon 300 is a highly popular version of Testosterone for TRT. Several uses choose Sustanon 300 for Test Ace or Test Cyp or Prop or the single ester Testosterone.

Sustanon 300 is Essentially Testosterone

Sustanon 300 is just testosterone inside a lovely bottle. It is made by some of the best brands that excel in manufacturing anabolic steroids around the world. It is a mix of four varied testosterone esters, which proves immensely helpful in case you do not like pinning and the problems that are associated with it.
You will have fewer chances of developing scar tissue and you need not be bothered about rotating injection spots which is what some pinners do.
Sustanon is a fabulous option for a performance enhancement setting. It lets you begin with 300 mg per week if you take one injection per week. Many users may use two injections to get their 500 mg dose per week of testosterone.

Four Esters have Various release times and active doses

One who has used Test Prop or Cyp, it can be cumbersome to know the reasoning behind blending the four varied Testosterone esters.

Testosterone used for TRT

Many TRT users were averse to constant pinning and did not want therapy for this reason. So, the reputed companies introduced Sustanon as an option to traditional single ester Testosterone that was utilized as TRT. With the help of Sustanon 300, you get 4 esters with various weights and release times.

Propionate is a quick-acting ester with a half-life of 0.8 days, Phenylpropionate has a half-life of 1.5 days and Decanoate is 7.5 days.

There are various release times and peak rates. Sustanon enables an individual to get away with one injection every two weeks. In case you want to use it for enhancing the performance, you need to know about the active dose that you get with these esters.

Propionate will provide you with approximately 80 per cent of Testosterone. A 30 mg dose will provide you with 24 mg of Testosterone.

Phenylpropionate will provide you with 66 per cent of testosterone. Testosterone Isocaproate provides you 72 per cent and provides you Decanoate provides you 62 per cent.

Sustanon 300 useful for Bulking and cutting

Sustanon 300 is pure testosterone and can be utilized in any steroid cycle as a base.
Sustanon will function well as a basic steroid in a stack. It can enhance IFG-1 levels, enhance RBC, boost the nitrogen amount that you can retain. This will help prevent glucocorticoid hormones such as cortisol from causing harm to your muscles. So, the result is a lean muscle mass that you can retain post cycle. You may blend it with any mass enhancing oral steroid such as Anadrol or Dianabol or with an injectable steroid such as Deca Durabolin. You must have an awesome bulking cycle that may be used both times that is in competitive season and also offseason.
One of the testosterone basics is that it assists in the prevention of muscle wasting in an environment that is catabolic. In case you cut calories, there is a great chance that you can lose muscle because the cortisol levels rise. Sustanon 300 can assist in preventing this. It will not lead to a great deal of water or fat gain. You just need to monitor your diet closely. So, in other words, you can cut with Sustanon 300 with ease.
You can recomp with Sustanon 300 only if you stack it with compounds that are around your fitness objectives. In case you wish to have a lean bulk, you must stack with Anavar, Equipoise or Trenbolone.
In case you are searching for wet bulk, Deca and Anadrol function in a big way with Sustanon 300.

Sustanon has the ability to aromatize heavily

A big aspect of Sustanon 300 is that you have to reduce your dosage of Amaromatase inhibitors. Each of the esters has a varied release rate. Your estrogen levels will start to fluctuate because the testosterone rises and aromatizes.
You may risk crashing your E2 levels, in case you do the AI in excess. When you are not careful with the AI, there can be an Estrogen spike and with it, there may be Estrogenic side effects such as water retention and gynecomastia.
It might be not easy to control the levels of estrogen with a solitary ester such as Testosterone Cypionate.
At least 0.5 mg of Anastrazole breaks into two doses each week is sufficient to assist in controlling your E2 levels. During this phase, one is likely to experience mood change, soft erections and other symptoms.

You can get Original Sustanon 300 Easily

Sustanon 300 is available with ease in most parts of the world. There are good chances that you may get the original Sustanon 300 which will be of excellent quality than any testosterone that is UG lab-based. So, you can opt for Sustanon 300 any day. You can get nice gains with it irrespective of the ester that is associated with it.

Take advantage of Sustanon 300


Putting on Mass

Sustanon 300 consists of nice quality calories which can provide you muscle mass with less body fat and enhance your body strength.

Provides Cutting

Sustanon 300 enhances the cutting cycle as it sustains the lean tissue. This is vital as people cut down their calorie intake so that they can burn fat with utmost ease.


Nice results can be seen with 300 to 500 mg of Sustanon 300 every seven to ten days.

Sustanon Stacks

Sustanon can be easily stacked with Equipoise, Deca Durabolin, Primobolan or Dianabol. Testosterone has the ability to stack naturally with anything.

Sustanon Uses

An injection of Sustanon 300 consists of testosterone esters. These are derived from the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone.

Testosterone replacement therapy in men who have no or low production of natural testosterone that’s known as hypogonadism. It is also used in supportive therapy for female to male transsexuals.

The Trade Name

Sustanon 300 is the trade name for an injectable steroid that is designed to be a sustained-release testosterone shot. With the combination of four esters in the mix, the makers of Sustanon 300 was trying to eradicate the peak in blood serum levels that making use of a solitary ester would develop. So, this in turn developed the finest testosterone replacement therapy or TRT steroid in the market.

Benefits of Sustanon 300

The benefits of making using Sustanon 300 during a cycle is similar to using any testosterone and additionally added bonuses because of ester blend. Sustanon 300 can be utilized less than other testosterone versions while still getting the major benefits. There are immense benefits like:

  • Increase in muscle mass
  • Increased libido
  • Increased strength
  • Improved recovery after each training session.

Sustanon 300 constitutes 4 different ester chains that get released at different times, the user does not experience a similar fast peak and quick decline as compared to other esters. The consistency in testosterone levels assists in reducing the chances of estrogen spikes and severe HPTA that’s hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis suppression.

Long and continuous use of any testosterone will lead to side effects. Sustanon 300 is considered by several bodybuilders to be responsible for less rapid sides. This is a myth. It has similar side effects as any other testosterone ester.


All esters have a half-life so the release of the steroid from the ester will rise and fall down at varied times and this depends on the ester. Just think of it as a quick increase and then a sharp decline in the blood serum levels of the steroid that is being used. This can be some hours or some days. Testosterone just like other anabolic steroids has a short half-life.

Due to this, the makers of synthetic testosterone make use of a chemical process to link an ester chain to the base of testosterone. When it associates with an ester chain, the hormone makes it oil soluble while slowing down the rate at which the steroid abandons the body. Due to this hormone testosterone can’t link to the androgen receptors until the ester chain has been removed from the hormone.

Addition of Ester Chain

So adding the ester chain enables the steroid to get manageable for dosing as the frequency of the shot lowers down to only some times per week. This is in comparison to many everyday shots in case the base hormone was being injected. The base hormone without an ester chain will be in and out of the body for some hours. So, the user is compelled to take many shots to run an effective cycle or TRT treatment.

Blending the four esters

To maintain regularity in the release of testosterone from each injection, the makers of Sustanon 300 used four esters in a similar oil carrier. The basic idea behind blending 4 esters is to enable a cascading effect by making use of varied peaks and troughs of different esters to keep the levels steady.

Combination of Esters

When esters of various lengths are combined, they produce a perfect TRT steroid. The propionate ester peaks fast while the ones which are of mid-length such as testosterone phenylpropionate will develop. The shorter to mid-length esters will lower down sharply. The longer decanoate ester is reaching its peak release. Sustanon has been designed for TRT or Testosterone Replacement Therapy, we can take into consideration that the margins on it are high.

Sustanon 300 Formula

In the Sustanon 300 formula injections may be done on a weekly basis as isocaproate and phenylpropionate ester are beginning their full release when the propionate ester starts wearing out. The half-life of propionate is 4 to 5 days but it can be closer to three days by several bodybuilders. This can be due to how the ester is used by various men with different health levels. The propionate ester is the base of the Sustanon formula. It can be added as a TRT drug as it provides men with the usual TRT symptoms a quick boost.

Sustanon 300 Injection

After many years of depression, low libido and gaining weight due to low levels of testosterone, you will feel good within days of your first Sustanon 300 injection. So, you can call the testosterone propionate addition to the Sustanon TRT formula a great psychological benefit.

Injecting Sustanon 300

There are some users who end up injecting Sustanon 300 every three days. The users feel that it assists them to take advantage of the testosterone propionate ester and have a more regular release of the drug. The most optimal injection schedule of Sustanon 300 is every five days. In fact, many users will inject once a week without any problems.

Some users believe that they can utilize the complete power of the testosterone propionate ester when they inject Sustanon 300 every third day. This is not that important as weekly injections are fine.


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