Masteron Propionate 100


Masteron Propionate is one of the most popular anabolic steroids available due to its powerful cutting abilities. If you have a low body fat percentage, Masteron can give your muscles a dry, grainy, and hard look. In addition, it does not aromatize, and in fact, one of its metabolites works as a SERM(selective estrogen receptor modulator), making it an excellent choice for those sensitive to the estrogenic side effects of other steroids and even to combat estrogenic sides from the aromatization of other compounds such as testosterone. The short ester attached allows Masteron propionate to clear your body within days of cessation.



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Masteron propionate (100mg/ml, 10 ml bottle)

Masteron propionate, also known as Drostanolone Propionate or Masteron Propionate 100, is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid. It’s a popular choice among performance athletes and bodybuilders for its effectiveness during the cutting phase of a steroid cycle. Masteron propionate not only enhances the appearance of muscle tissue at a low body fat percentage but also improves conditioning and peak performance output. What’s more, this DHT derivative doesn’t aromatize and even has mild anti-estrogen qualities, leading to fewer adverse side effects. With Masteron propionate, you can bring out your best conditioning. Its attached short ester also makes it potentially suitable for female use, as it can be discontinued, clearing the body within days upon noticing the possible onset of the potential androgenic side effects (virilization).


  • Ideal cutting steroid
  • It makes muscles appear dry, grainy, and hard
  • Increased strength
  • Increased endurance
  • It helps to preserve lean muscle mass during a calorie deficit
  • Does not aromatize
  • The attached short ester clears the body within days of cessation

Terminal Half-life:

  • Three days

Possible Dosage & Cycle Length:

  • Men @ 50–75 mg/day or every other day (EOD)
  • 8-12 weeks
* The above compounds are believed safer to use for females than other steroids/SARMs/Peptides, etc.


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