Masteron Enanthate 200


Drostalanone, sold under the brand names of Masteril, Drolban and Masteron (among others) is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication. It is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative.

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Masteron Enanthate

Drostalanone, sold under the brand names of Masteril, Drolban and Masteron (among others) is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication. It is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative. They are usually known as Mastabol, Mast or Masto. There are usually two versions of Masteron – the propionate version of Masteron is called Masteron Propionate and the enanthate version is known as Masteron Enanthate 200.

History of Masteron

Drostalanone propionate was first developed in the year 1959, alongside Anadrol by Syntex Pharmaceuticals. As described in history, drostanolone (Masteron) refers to a steroid with powerful anabolic and anti-estrogenic characteristics. Later after a period of 10 years, it came to the forefront and started to be used as a prescription drug.

Masteron propionate or testosterone propionate is commonly considered to be a kind of exotic anabolic steroid. Initially, this steroid was used as an anti-estrogen agent and as a treatment for breast cancer in women with mild anti-estrogenic properties. It was used in combination with another agent and showed a considerable amount of decrease in the estrogen levels of women who were taking this treatment. The usage of Masteron or testosterone propionate for this treatment has been discontinued now for a variety of reasons.

Over the years, it has gained a lot of popularity and for the past 30 years, it has been a staple to use in the contest prep cycle to give weightlifters or bodybuilders strong muscles on stage. Currently, Masteron Enanthate or testosterone propionate is one of the favourite injectable anabolic steroids of athletes and weightlifters.

The Two Variations

Masteron is generally available in two variations – Masteron Propionate and Masteron Enanthate. Both are anabolic steroids and the major difference between the two of them is their dosage administration, their action and their half-life. Both the Masteron variants are considered to be mild and thus should be administered together with other similar compounds.

Masteron propionate is an anabolic steroid that acts quickly. It is commonly dosed at 50 – 150 mg/ml and it needs to be injected every day during the entire course of the medication since it is much faster and clears the body within a shorter span (with a half-life of approximately 2.5 days).

Masteron enanthate is comparatively slower, but it is a long-acting anabolic steroid. Regularly, it is dosed at 200 mg/ml. Unlike the propionate variety, Masteron enanthate or gp mast 200 requires to be injected only twice a week, but in a higher quantity since it works slower but clears the body faster (with a half-life of approximately 10 days).

The effects of either Masteron Propionate or Masteron Ethionate becomes visible within a short span of time since their usage, especially in athletes, fitness enthusiasts and boxers. It boosts their energy and helps in building strong, and lean muscles and give them hardness while still maintaining their overall weight.

What is Masteron Enanthate?

Masteron Enanthate, also known as Drostalanone Enanthate is one of the variants of Masteron, whose origin is not very well known. This drug is known to be an anabolic androgenic steroid, as it triggers cell growth. Cells that build up through metabolism is referred to as anabolism, while male hormones like testosterone are known as androgens. So, clearly from the name, Masteron Enanthate or gp mast 200 boosts the development of masculine features (like muscles and hair growth).

Earlier (in the 1970s and 1980s), Masteron Enanthate 200 mg or testosterone enanthate was used to treat breast cancer patients. As better treatment methods were discovered later, the usage of this drug was minimized in the due course.

However, the tremendous therapeutic effects made it incredibly famous. Currently, it is widely being used by weight lifters and gym enthusiasts around the world to exhibit cuttings before contests. Bodybuilders and athletes use this drug in cutting, hardening and even as an aromatase inhibitor (AI). It is very much successful as it is developed as a combination of androgen, a DHT dihydrotestosterone) and a sex steroid.

What does Masteron Enanthate do?

Often adopted by athletes and bodybuilders, Masteron Enanthate or testosterone enanthate aids in the raising of blood levels, increases protein synthesis and also helps to shoot up the blood plasma levels. They are said to exhibit anti-estrogenic properties, due to which it does not convert to estrogen (through aromatization) and it works for a longer duration. Masteron is highly effective in blocking the conversion of free testosterone into estrogen, and thus prevents any side effects due to the increased estrogen levels.

As already mentioned, Masteron Enanthate 200 mg is a combination of an androgen hormone, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and a sex steroid. Drostalanone is similar to DTH, though some modifications are made to it (drostanolone), to prevent metabolic breakdown after it is administered.

DHT is synthesized in the prostate, testes, adrenal glands and hair follicles to exhibit masculine features. As the testosterone level increases, the DHT level also increases in the body. The good thing is that DHT does not get converted to estrogen. As Masteron is based on DHT, an increase in the DHT level does not cause an increase in the estrogen level.

Benefits of Masteron Enanthate

Masteron Enanthate 200 mg basically increases the testosterone levels in the body. The increased testosterone levels have the following benefits:

  • Strong and high libido
  • Great mood
  • Encourages overall well being
  • Improved erection
  • Strong muscle build-up and muscle hardness
  • Minimize estrogen levels in the body

As this drug is well known and has the ability to minimalize the estrogen levels in the body, it was used as a treatment to cure breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Other drugs like this have the ability to cause an increase in estrogen levels, causing abnormal breast development in males, a condition commonly known as gynecomastia (or “man boobs”).

Drostanolone enanthate is the finest cosmetic anabolic steroid as it has a Dihydrotestosterone or DGT structure. The ones who want to have hard and ripped muscles will use this steroid.
During the cutting cycles of bodybuilders, this steroid hardens the body and gives it strength or a firmer look. Anyway, better results can be achieved when it is stacked with other aromatizing compounds like Dianobol to give a good finish during cycles. Hence, bodybuilders or those who want to cut before their competitions will benefit when they include this drug as a part of their cutting cycle. Also, when Masteron or drostanolone enanthate is added to an existing cycle, it makes the other steroids more powerful (balancer of hormones). Because of this, it is used to alleviate certain estrogen and progesterone issues as well.

Lean users usually benefit more from adding Masteron or drostanolone enanthate to their cutting cycles. This drug assists in getting rid of excess stubborn body fat. Bodybuilders usually use Masteron or drostanolone enanthate as the final stage of contest preparation, after the destruction of excess body fat. Results of a cycle are barely noticeable for people who are not lean. Similarly, this drug is also suitable for non-professional gym enthusiasts or athletes for building endurance.

A great number of people make use of Masteron Enanthate 200 mg or gp mast 200 or drostanolone propionate for its aesthetic advantages. When people try to cut during their cycles, they usually end up losing a lot of strength. But Masteron 200 mg or drostanolone enanthate amazingly boosts individual strength. Masteron or drostanolone enanthate plays an important role in preserving their strength during cuts by promoting muscles mass endurance, overall power and recovery times.

You can expect extremely hard muscles, more vascularity and a dry aesthetic look when you are on a Masteron cycle. Even models who desire to look hard for their shooting sessions use a lower end of the dosage to harden up their muscles build.

Using Masteron for Gyno

Masteron 200 mg or drostanolone propionate is considered as almost the only steroid which is anti-estrogenic and that can prevent gynecomastia since it acts pretty much like a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator).

Using anabolic steroid products usually cause gyno (or gynecomastia), also known as “man boobs”. Gyno is a condition that causes the development of female features such as enlargement of breasts in men. This mostly occurs due to extremely high levels of estrogen in men or the imbalance of testosterone and levels of estrogen. To recover from this, your doctor may recommend you add some anti-estrogens.

But since Masteron 200 mg quantity or drostanolone propionate is characterized by anti-estrogenic properties, people using these steroids are not required to use anti-estrogens in addition. However, when you stack Masteron with other additional steroids, you will need to use anti-estrogens.

How does Masteron Enanthate work?

Masteron Enanthate 200 mg quantity or drostanolone propionate, a varied form of Masteron (or Drostanolone) is a long ester. It functions over a long period and is thus best when used in longer cycle lengths (most likely ten to twelve weeks).

This drug yields the best of its benefits when it is stacked with various types of anabolic steroids. While one person may have satisfying outcomes from Masteron Enanthate or drostanolone propionate, some person may experience zero outcomes.

Masteron is not an incredibly good option if you are planning on gaining tons of muscles or muscle mass or getting very muscular in a short period of time.

How should Masteron be used?

A dosage of 400 mg of Masteron weekly is very much sufficient for starters. However, the dosage completely depends on what the user is focussing to gain from the drug. Bodybuilders who prefer to cut before competitions prefer to intake 200 mg per week in combination with other drugs.

When higher doses of Masteron is taken (around 600 mg to 800 mg every week), the effects are not satisfactory. Bodybuilders who intake an increased amount of Masteron experience insignificant result, when compared to the cost of the drug. Moreover, Masteron is an aesthetic enhancer and does not trigger mass and strength gain or muscle mass.

Usually, stacking Masteron with additional anabolic steroids is suggested. The additional steroid must be like Masteron, used for the same purpose or aimed at attaining the same goals. Normally, testosterone is used as a supplement and a combination of Masteron and Testosterone Enanthate is an excellent choice.

Masteron Enanthate Cycles

All Masteron cycles must include an external steroid that is not necessarily a Masteron variant, to obtain maximized results. For example, Masteron goes very well with testosterone. So you can include any type of testosterone as long as it serves the additional amounts of the sex hormone.

Masteron product negatively affects the production of natural testosterone in the bodies. Thus, the requirements of the body are not satisfied. To cope up with this, external supplements of testosterone must be given to the user, for the normal functioning of his system. Hence, the addition of testosterone into all cycles is necessary.

Users who have ignored the inclusion of testosterone into their cycles have experienced low testosterone count in their bodies. However, individuals who are already predisposed to lower testosterone levels may not benefit much from the external boost of the sex hormone.

A minimal amount of Masteron is usually administered during the cycles as Masteron has a longer half-life and stays in the user’s system for a longer period.

A beginner’s cycle of Masteron product may include a weekly dosage of 400mg Masteron and around 300 – 500 mg of Testosterone Enanthate. The amount of testosterone to be included depends upon the individual’s preference, but it should lie within the specified range. Since Masteron is itself an inhibitor, an additional aromatase inhibitor is not required in this case.

If you prefer to stack your Masteron cycle with several aromatizing compounds, it is required to introduce a much stronger aromatize inhibitor. If you do not introduce an inhibitor while stacking your Masteron cycle with several aromatizing steroids, you may develop gynecomastia (or “man boobs”).

Detection Time

Drostalanone (Masteron) is one of the most detected steroids in the doping control analysis. Usually, this doping analysis is performed using the urine samples of bodybuilders and boxers just before the competition. The detection time is usually 3 months for the enanthate ester (Masteron ) and 4 weeks for the propionate ester (Masteron Propionate).

Side Effects

Masteron enanthate 200 product is a mild steroid and has extremely limited non-serious side effects. However, if you intake a high dosage or use it for an extended time, it may lead to many adverse effects.

Usually, people using steroids experience estrogenic side effects like water retention, gynecomastia, bloating, high blood pressure and acne. Since Masteron product is characterized by anti-estrogenic properties, people using these steroids are not required to use anti-estrogens in addition. However, when you stack Masteron with other additional steroids, you will need to use anti-estrogens.

Most of the side effects of Masteron enanthate 200 product are due to androgens. Androgens increase the masculine traits in users and hence exhibits several changes such as:-

  • Acne
  • Hairloss in males (baldness pattern)
  • Excessive growth of hair on the back of legs, arms, and chest

Women who undertake this medication may also experience several masculine traits such as deepened voice, enlarged clitoris and extensive growth of body hair on the female body. These traits usually disappear when they stop using the drug, but sometimes Masteron may cause irreversible changes. These side effects highly depend upon genetics and thus varies from person to person.

As Masterone Enanthate product has a negative effect on the body’s cholesterol levels, the users are advised to engage in cardiovascular activities like running, swimming, and bicycling. It may also be a threat to people with high blood pressure.

Unlike other anabolic steroids and related products, Masteron does not cause damage to the liver or interfere with its normal functioning, as it is clear from hepatoxic anabolic androgenic features.

Some of the commonly observed mild side effects of Masteron include:-

  • A rise in levels of IGF-1 and MGF hormones
  • Darkening and thickening of hair
  • High bone mineral content
  • Increased collagen synthesis
  • Heightened self-esteem
  • Suppressed pituitary glands
  • Dry joints and nerve pain

The Bottom Line

Masteron is a quick-acting and long-lasting anabolic drug with a longer half-life and minimal side effects. Further, it is mild and doesn’t cause any estrogenic effects on the male body. Thus, if you want a rugged, hard, dry and aesthetic look when exposing your body, then Masteron is the best option.


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