
Beach body Cutting Stack


This stack is made up of four components: Testosterone Propionate which helps build muscle mass and boost strength and stamina, Masteron Propionate which increases protein synthesis and assists with fatty acid burning in key locations, Clenbuterol which suppresses appetite and boosts fat utilization in cells, and T3 Cytomel which provides which supplement thyroid in time of need as thyroid function tend to decrease as the dieting phase progress.


1 × Clenbuterol
SKU: BBCS Category:


If you are looking for a way to cut fat while still maintaining high intensity workout sessions, the Cutting Stack may be the ideal solution. This stack is made up of four components: Testosterone Propionate which helps build muscle mass and boost strength and stamina, Masteron Propionate which increases protein synthesis and assists with fatty acid burning in key locations, Clenbuterol which suppresses appetite and boosts fat utilization in cells, and T3 Cytomel which provides which supplement thyroid in time of need as thyroid function tend to decrease as the dieting phase progress.
All together, the Beach body Stack could be just what you need to take your training plan to the next level. This stack comes with a fair mix of injectables as they are in most cases safer for your body, specifically for liver and kidney health. Should you find yourself getting easily aggravated, you will want to reduce the volume you are dosing and take daily to keep levels steady. Injections are done intramuscularly and tablets are intended to be taken orally.


Testosterone Propionate: 300–700mg/week
Masteron Propionate: 300–500mg/week
Clenbuterol: 50–100mcg/day
T3 Cytomel: 50–75mcg/day


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