
Mass Gain Bro Stack


The Mass Gain Bro Stack is an impressive collection of anabolic steroids and aromatase inhibitors specifically formulated to help pack on muscle mass. It includes the potent AnadrolTri-TrenTest 400 (Testosterone Enanthate), and Deca Durabolin — all of which have enjoyed a reputation for being effective at enhancing muscle growth. Moreover, you can add onto this stack with aromatase inhibitors like Proviron, HCG, and Clomid, which help manage any aromatizing effects of certain compounds in the stack so you can maximize both your results and safety potential.


This stack comes with majority injectables as they are in most cases safer for your body, specifically for liver and kidney health. Should you find yourself getting easily aggravated, you will want to reduce the volume you are dosing and take daily to keep levels steady. Injections are done intramuscularly and tablets are intended to be taken orally.

Distribution & Dosing:

Anadrol: 50–150mg/day
Testosterone Enanthate:
Deca Durabolin: 


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